The Legacy Lucy Carries

The Legacy Lucy Carries

Today is exactly one year since you were taken from us.

The last year has been a nightmare of not knowing if you are safe or not, where you could possibly be, and how to connect the pieces to get you back home.

We hope and pray that you are ok.....wherever you are.

We believe you are probably safe and being cared for by someone who fell victim to a thief selling a stolen dog under the guise of needing to rehome a beloved pet due to an impossible circumstance.

I wish the chip we had implanted to keep you safe worked the way everyone thinks so we could track you down or that you would be scanned every time someone took you in for a check up and we would be automatically notified.

There isn't an hour of the day that goes by that we don't think of you and pray that you are safe, warm, & happy, and that when the people you are with realize how you came to be with them they will bring you back home to us.

That is why we are working hard to share your story to as many people as possible.

There are already so many amazing people who are working hard to help us find you and they can't wait for the day your back.

We miss you more than anything and there is not a single thing in the world we would not do or give to have you back.

We will never stop until you home safe and sound.