It’s time for a change.

Lucy’s Law Is Underway.

The main objective of Lucy's Law is to change the legal status of a pet from simply ‘property,’ to being seen as a member of the family.

Currently, a stolen pet is seen as property, and there is little to nothing that is done for most pets based on having no perceived monetary value, even high priced pets who are stolen are rarely followed up on by law enforcement, and nearly never recovered.

This type of incident is usually treated more as a civil matter and left to the owners to track. If the pet is found to be in a new home, it is up to the previous owners to sue the new pet owner, who may have purchased the dog unknowingly- which almost never ends well.

Our goal is to get a bill written and passed into that would make California the 6th state to view theft or possession of a stolen animal as a felony (other states that currently recognize this law are: Virginia, Louisiana, Oklahoma, New York, and Mississippi).

Lucy's Law would make the theft of a pet a felony and substantially increase the likelihood of leading to prosecution.

Our hope is to create an enforceable law with a significant penalty that will empower local law enforcement, and prosecutors, to take action in pet theft cases. This will be the first step in solving pet theft in California.

To get this law passed, we need YOUR help!

Please sign up with your email address below to receive our digital petition. We need signatures showing support for this cause, in order to effectively propose this law to legislation, for them to draft and propose the bill.

*We are additionally working with the California Veterinary Medical Association (CVMA) and veterinanrians in California, to create a protocol where all pets seen are scanned and verified with the chip provider for status and owner information on record. There are a number of reasons this is not taking place consistently, and it ties closely into the notion of pets being designated as property.

A Safety Device to Prevent Pet Loss + Theft.


Meet Budi.

We don’t want another family to suffer like we have losing our girl Lucy. Knowing what we now know about pet theft, or even loss of a runaway pet, and the difficulty recovery brings- we’re thinking forward.

We’ve developed both the technology for a physical collar and are working on a companion app to track and locate your pet with GPS technology. Working closely with a team of tech consultants and hardware specialists, we’re close to introducing t a prototype device and beta app to alert you of loss or theft of your pet, including any potential tampering with this trackable safety collar.

We’re confident that Budi’s sturdy materials and reliable technology will be not only outstanding, but state of the art. *Note the images above are for visual purposes only and are not direct representations of the device’s appearance, but prototypes.

If you’d like to receive updates on how you can be part of our beta group and/or how you can help bring this technology to market quickly, please sign up with your email address below, to receive the opportunity to participate.

Interested in other ways to protect your pet?

We’ve rounded up common mistakes loving dog owners make that lead to stolen or lost pets, take a look at these to ensure you’re protecting your furry friend (also included are tips to recover a lost or stolen pet).